Undergraduate Students Undergraduate students who have completed (or are currently enrolled in) Research Design (PSYC 3980) and Research Analysis (PSYC 3990) may apply to work in the FRESH Lab. Students may enroll in PSYC 4800 for academic credit, or Honors students may receive credit for PSYC 4960H. Dr. Shaffer will consider mentoring eligible students who are interested in completing an Honors Thesis. Registering as an undergraduate research assistant requires a minimum two-semester commitment, and typically involves 6-9 hours of lab-related work per week. Responsibilities include running laboratory assessments for current studies, participant recruitment, data management, and participating in weekly lab meetings and discussions of research topics and journal articles. Expectations for professionalism, conscientiousness, and dependability are quite high; in exchange, undergraduates gain valuable hands-on research experience that will prepare them for graduate study or more advanced involvement in psychological research. ***The FRESH lab is currently NOT seeking undergraduate students.*** Graduate Students Dr. Shaffer mentors graduate students in Clinical and Developmental Psychology. As her research is strongly influenced by a developmental psychopathology perspective, prospective graduate students should be prepared to demonstrate an interest in both normal and abnormal development in the context of families and close relationships. Graduate students are viewed as junior colleagues, with opportunities to collaborate in the design and implementation of research projects, and the preparation of research publications. As such, students who do well in this lab are those who are highly motivated, enthusiastic, and able to work independently as well as part of an engaged and active team.